
How to customize preferences settings?

How to use Ondesoft iTunes Converter? It's easy! Here is a step-by-step tutorial for your reference.

1. Set converting speed

Ondesoft iTunes Converter can convert audio and video files at speed up to 16X. Also you are free to change the speed as you like – from 1X to 16X.

Click the “Options” button on the main interface or open the “Preferences” window:

iTunes converter preferences

2. Save ID tags and Chapter

Also you can choose to save ID tags and metadata information to the output MP3 and M4A files or keep Chapter information in the converted M4A audiobooks.

3. Customize output filename

Choose a custom format for your output filename which may contain title, artist, album. You can change the amount and order to combine them freely.

For example:
Name with title, artist, album:

filename format

Name with title, artist:

4. Save user-custom profile

If you want to customize and save a profile that you use often, click Options – Advance to set the parameters and then save it with a unique name. Also you may remove it.

customize bitrate, sample rate

Select proper codec, bitrate, sample rate and channels and customize your own profile for furture use.
